The Return(ish)


A lot has happened since my last post. You know, the one where I went on hiatus or whatever without telling anyone I was going to.. About that…. Sorry? But not really.

As the great Ferris Bueller once said,  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

I did that, kind of; except that it less like I stopped to look around and more like I reached out to grab on and gotten taken for one hell of a ride. I’m still reeling.

Where to begin?

First of all, as of October 2018, I became a homeowner. It’s a two story, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath (and counting, nice row home that continues to increase in equity. Not much in the way of yards, but I do have a deck and a balcony. For a “starter home” as some are inclined to say, I don’t think I did too bad. I’ve technically been moved in for about 2 months now, but I’m still waiting on throwing a house warming party.

Part of that is due to the other big thing I went through recently. I had a bit of a spill… onto the sidewalk… in November. Apparently that fall caused 2 unusual tears in my meniscus, and led to the discovery of a “Chronic ACL tear,” which is probably the culprit for the meniscus fiasco. You see, the ACL helps stabilize the knee. Without it, you’re more prone to damaging the rest of the knee and to greater significance. I walked with a cane for a while. Then I had surgery and used crutches. They put a brace on my knee and told me I couldn’t walk on my leg for 6 weeks. Well, now that I’m weight bearing, I’m going through physical therapy, butting heads with my surgeon, and torturing myself in the name of getting better. Seriously though, during my daily routines , the involuntary sounds I make are akin to a men’s tennis match, but with more pain in it than usual. So, probably Wimbledon then.  I am getting better, and everyone expects a full recovery from me.

I’m still in school and I’m 30 now. There was an complete failure on the part of my previous adviser who was, apparently, advising me as if I were getting a different degree, and now I will have to spend a little more time getting the degree. I also had to learn CSS and HTML to continue with this degree. Not sure I know enough yet to put on a resume, but I’m hopeful I’ll get there. You’re never to old!

I am still writing. Slowly but surely. Still mapping. Still looking things up. Still writing things down to add. It’s a lot. I’m probably going to take breaks and work on shorter forms and submissions, but the longer piece is still being hammered out/typed.

With that said, don’t expect the same amount of volume from this site as was previously being published. Yes, I intend to write here from time-to-time. Expect more of a quarterly schedule, if that. I will send stuff out via social media when I have an update.

I hope that the creativity is going well!





PS I found out recently that I am going to be an uncle soon and I’m so EXCITED!!!